هلدینگ بین المللی عیاران هلدینگ بین المللی عیاران .

هلدینگ بین المللی عیاران

Takap’s water super-absorbent

After many studies and researches regarding the water wastage and reduction of water consumption in the agricultural sector of Ayaran World Trading Group offers the water super-absorbent polymer under the Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company.

Takap’s super-absorbent polymer absorbs the water from rainfall and irrigation and prevent its subsidence after mixing with the soil and being placed at a suitable height under the soil. Then, the absorbed water is released with the pasغیر مجاز می باشدe of time, due to the drying (decreasing of soil moisture) and in this way, the surrounding soil remains moist for a long time without the need for re-irrigation. This cycle of absorption of water is carried out alternately. Therefore, if the use of super-absorbent polymer in the agricultural sector is carried out according to the correct principles and continues, it can be significantly effective in solving the agricultural limitations caused by drought and water shortages in the country.

Let's use super water absorbent polymer to reduce water consumption and give prosperity to the agriculture and industry sector of our beloved country.

Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you


Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]



برچسب: Ayaran، Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، environmental protection، agriculture، radiation، soil، water، light، radiation، land، food industry، food resources، food، SAP، potassium polymer، salt disposal، super absorbent، greenhouse، cultivation bed، irrigation، intelligent irrigation، agriculture and industry، had، fertilizer، growth، growth، hydroponic،
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