هلدينگ بين المللي عياران هلدينگ بين المللي عياران .

هلدينگ بين المللي عياران

دستگاه مايكروويوآروان پرتو تكاپ

معمولاً ميكروارگانيسم‌ها سبب آلودگي، عفونت و فساد مي‌شوند. لذا لازم است كه اين نوع ميكروارگانيسم‌ها را از بين برده و يا از سطح اجسام حذف كنيم به اين عمل ميكروب‌كشي يا استريليزاسيون گفته مي‌شود. بنابراين سترون‌سازي مشتمل بر فرآيندي مي‌گردد كه طي آن تمام ميكروارگانيسم‌ها، باكتري‌ها، قارچ‌ها، ميكروب‌ها و ويروس‌هاي زنده از يك شيء يا سطح آن و فضاي آن عاري شوند. براي انجام فرآيندهاي فوق، روش‌هاي شيميايي، دود دادن، حرارت دادن رايج است ولي درحال حاضر بيشتر از روش‌هاي پرتوفرآوري استفاده مي‌شود مخصوصاً اينكه در ساير روش‌ها، قبل از فرآيند اصلي، سطح اجسام بايد به طرز خاصي تميز و چربي زدايي شود كه هميشه اين كار آسان نيست و نيازمند صرف هزينه مي‌باشد. اما در پرتودهي مواد غذايي علاوه بر سالم و بي خطر بودن، ارزش غذايي و كيفيت طعم موادغذايي را از بين نمي‌برد و مي‌تواند زمان مصرف مواد غذايي را افزايش دهد. شرايط مهم و تأثيرگذار در پرتودهي مواد غذايي ممكن است شامل درجه حرارت مواد غذايي، خلوص، وجود هوا در زمان بسته‌بندي مواد غذايي، مقدار آب و نوع ميكروارگانيسم‌هاي احتمالي موجود باشد. مسلماً هر يك از اين عوامل در تعيين دز و نحوه پرتودهي تعيين كننده خواهد بود. بدين منظور گروه تجاري جهاني عياران با مشاركت شركت توسعه كاربرد پرتو ها دستگاه خشك كن و آفت زدايي مايكروويو آروان پرتو تكاپ را معرفي مي‌نمايد.اين محصول با استفاده از امواج مايكرويو علاوه بر تأثير پرتودهي در حذف باكتري‌هاي مواد گياهي خيلي مؤثرتر از روش‌هاي حرارتي يا شيميايي است. اين روش، از تمام روش‌هاي استريل كردن سريع‌تر و قابل انعطاف‌تر بوده و نيز مانع بكارگيري گازهاي سمي و سرطان‌زا كه براي سلامتي و محيط زيست خطرناك هستند، مي‌شود.

تكاپ همراه شما كوشا در حفظ محيط زيست

Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]





برچسب: عياران، هلدينگ عياران، گروه تجاري جهاني عياران، تكاپ، Takap ،آروان پرتو، گاما، الكترونيك، ماكروويو، خشك كردن، آفت زدايي، حفظ محيط زيست، كشاورزي، پرتودهي، زمين، صنايع غذايي، منابع غذايي، غذا،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۹:۱۹ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

پليمر سوپر جاذب آب

گروه تجاري جهاني عياران با همكاري شركت توسعه كاربرد پرتوها سوپرجاذب ها (Super Absorbent Polymers) به عنوان پليمرهاي آلي آبدوست با برند تكاپ ارائه مي‌دهد، اين پليمر ها توانايي جذب آب تا چند برابر وزن خود را دارند. محصول سوپرجاذب كشاورزي از طريق پرتوتابي با پرتودهي الكتروني و با استفاده از شتابدهنده LINAC تهيه شده است. بدين ترتيب كه پرتوها با افزايش تخلخل و ايجاد يك شبكه منتظم درصد ميزان جذب آب را افزايش مي‌دهند و درنتيجه آب بيشتري را در خود نگه داشته و از كم‌آبي گياهان جلوگيري مي كند. اين محصول براي انواع گياهان زراعي، نهال ها و فضاي سبز قابل استفاده مي باشد و اثري مثبت بر شاخص هاي مختلف گياه و خاك دارد.

از جمله مزاياي پليمر سوپر جاذب آب تكاپ مي‌توان به عدم استفاده از مواد شيميايي آغازگر و شبكه ساز رايج در فرآيندهاي پليمراسيون، توليد (فرآيند پليمراسيون و شبكه سازي) و استريل شدن محصول بصورت همزمان بخاطر استفاده از روش پاك پرتودهي الكترون، سهولت بيشتر تأمين و واردات مواد اوليه، قابل رقابت بودن محصول اين طرح نسبت به محصولات تجاري ديگر، ميزان ماندگاري بالا در خاك، سازگاري با خاك هاي شور ، دوستدار محيط زيست بدليل عدم وجود كراسلينكرهاي شيميايي ، ميزان جذب بالاي آب بدليل منتظم بودن ساختار شبكه اي اشاره كرد.

تكاپ اين محصول را به عنوان راهكاري براي كاهش مصرف آب در بخش كشاورزي و رونق و بهبود شرايط كشاورزي در كشور عزيزمان پيشنهاد مي كند.

تكاپ كوشا در حفظ محيط زيست و همراه با شما

Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]


برچسب: عياران، هلدينگ عياران، گروه تجاري جهاني عياران، تكاپ، Takap ، حفظ محيط زيست، كشاورزي، پرتودهي، خاك، آب، نور، تشعشع، زمين، صنايع غذايي، منابع غذايي، غذا، SAP ، پليمر پتاسيم، دفع نمك، سوپر جاذب، گلخانه، بستر كشت، آبياري، آبياري هوشمند، كشت و صنعت، داشت، كود، رشد، رويش، هيدروپونيك،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۸:۲۶ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Takap’s water super-absorbent

After many studies and researches regarding the water wastage and reduction of water consumption in the agricultural sector of Ayaran World Trading Group offers the water super-absorbent polymer under the Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company.

Takap’s super-absorbent polymer absorbs the water from rainfall and irrigation and prevent its subsidence after mixing with the soil and being placed at a suitable height under the soil. Then, the absorbed water is released with the pasغير مجاز مي باشدe of time, due to the drying (decreasing of soil moisture) and in this way, the surrounding soil remains moist for a long time without the need for re-irrigation. This cycle of absorption of water is carried out alternately. Therefore, if the use of super-absorbent polymer in the agricultural sector is carried out according to the correct principles and continues, it can be significantly effective in solving the agricultural limitations caused by drought and water shortages in the country.

Let's use super water absorbent polymer to reduce water consumption and give prosperity to the agriculture and industry sector of our beloved country.

Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you


Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]



برچسب: Ayaran، Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، environmental protection، agriculture، radiation، soil، water، light، radiation، land، food industry، food resources، food، SAP، potassium polymer، salt disposal، super absorbent، greenhouse، cultivation bed، irrigation، intelligent irrigation، agriculture and industry، had، fertilizer، growth، growth، hydroponic،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۷:۲۵ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Takap super-absorbent polymer

Considering that the arable soil of most of Iran's climate is salty, the use of commercial polymer super absorbents common in the market (which is mostly based on sodium polyacrylate) doubles the country's soil salinity problem. To solve this problem, the use of acrylamide polymers can be a suitable and cheaper alternative for making these polymer products than pure formulations based on the family of acrylate polymers. It should also be noted that biopolymers, ultimately play the role of a nutrient fertilizer for the soil after being destroyed and decomposed in the soil by microorganisms, due to the presence of nitrogen in their structure.

Ayaran World Trading Group offers the water super-absorbent polymer decided to replace the traditional irrigation methods by using super water absorbent polymer under the Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company to help the farmers and agricultural industry of Iran and help them to conserve water as much as possible, promote agriculture, and provide food security


Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you


Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]


برچسب: growth، hydroponicAyaran، Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، environmental protection، agriculture، radiation، soil، water، light، radiation، land، food industry، food resources، food، SAP، potassium polymer، salt disposal، super absorbent، greenhouse، cultivation bed، irrigation، intelligent irrigation، agriculture and industry، had، fertilizer، growth،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۶:۱۷ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Arvan Parto’s microwave device

Microorganisms usually cause contamination, infection and spoilage. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy these types of microorganisms or remove them from the surface of objects, this process is called microbicide or sterilization.

Therefore, sterilization includes a process during which all living microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, germs and viruses are become freed from an object or its surface and its space.

To carry out the above processes, chemical methods, smoking, and heating are common, but nowadays more processing methods are used, especially because in other methods, before the main process, the surface of the objects must be cleaned and degreased in a special way, which is always not easy and requires spending money.

But in food irradiation, in addition to being healthy and safe, it does not destroy the nutritional value and taste quality of food and can increase the time of food consumption. Important and influential conditions in food irradiation may include food temperature, purity, presence of air at the time of food packaging, amount of water and type of possible microorganisms present. Of course, each of these factors will be decisive in determining the dose and method of radiation. For this purpose, Ayaran World Trading Group introduces Arvan Parto Takap microwave drying and disinfection device in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company. Using microwaves, this product is much more effective in removing bacteria from plant materials than thermal or chemical methods in addition to the effect of radiation. This method is faster and more flexible than all sterilization methods and also prevents the use of toxic and carcinogenic gases that are dangerous for health and the environment.


Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you



Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]







برچسب: Ayaran، Ayaran Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، Arvan Parto، Gamma، Electronics، Microwave، Drying، Disinfection، Environmental Protection، Agriculture، Irradiation، Earth، Food Industry، Food Resources، Food،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۴:۰۷ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Arvan Parto Takap’s microwave drying and disinfection device

Food security means: "Ensuring that all people have physical and economic access to the basic foods they need at all times."While 11% of the world's population suffers from hunger and malnutrition, 25% of all food produced is lost during storage after harvest.

Today, radiation processing is known as a safe and clean industry in the world, which is the basis for expanding the use of radiation in various industrial, social and economic fields in today's societies.

Ayaran World Trading Group plans to introduce Arvan Parto microwave drying and disinfection device under the Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company.Takap’s microwave drying and disinfection device can act as a non-chemical alternative method for grain disinfection by using microwave heating. This is an effective, economical and safe way to increase the shelf life of grains.

Arvan Parto’s industrial microwave can be used in various fields and industries and can be custom made depending on the needs and requests of the applicant. Among the most important uses of this product are the following: Sterilization of medical, food and health products in packaging and waste materials by removing bacteria and microbes; Disinfection of agricultural products, processing of polymer materials to improve physical and mechanical properties.

Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you


Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]


برچسب: Ayaran، Ayaran Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، Arvan Parto، Gamma، Electronics، Microwave، Drying، Disinfection، Environmental Protection، Agriculture، Irradiation، Earth، Food Industry، Food Resources، Food،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۳:۰۲:۴۳ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Microwave essential oil extractor

 From a long time ago, the use of extracts, essences and fragrances processed from plants has been common to maintain health and strengthen the body and mind in the distant times. 4500 years ago, the Egyptians used extracts of aromatic plants such as roses, cedar leaves and other similar items for غير مجاز مي باشدmetic and medical purposes and religious rites and rituals.

Ayaran World Trading Group introduces device for extracting essential oils of medicinal plants with microwave radiation made by Toseh Karbord Partoha Company.

Takap microwave extractor is equipped with an optical meter, which is one of the tools used in chromatography. In addition to the production of essential oil, the microwave essential oil device monitors the quality of the output particles of the device to increase the purity of volatile oils, essential oils, and extracts, and leads to an increase in the use of these precise measurements  in medicinal plant sciences and chromatography research.

Takap microwave essential oil extraction device is environmentally friendly and using this device for extraction saves the time of extracting essential oils.

Environmental protection, life continuity, sustainable development


Face book: Takap Ayaran

Instagram: @take_up.ayaran

WhatsApp: +989981518742

Gmail: [email protected]



برچسب: Ayaran، Ayaran Holding، Ayaran World Trading Group، Takap، essential oil، extract، plant، distillation، cologne، perfume، scent، aroma، aromatherapy، aromatherapy، volatile oil، massage oil، massage therapy، drug، pharmacy، Medicinal plants، extraction methods، microwave، radiation،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۲:۵۹:۱۶ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Seven Star Foreign Exchange Company

 With years of experience in Malaysia, Seven Star Exchange has been ready to provide currency exchange services, money transfer, issuing all types of personal and corporate remittances. After many years in the field of foreign exchange, this company has expanded its activities widely in all parts of the world, so that it has broken geographical boundaries and you can do all your foreign exchange affairs online with just one call. give Seven Star Exchange specializes in buying and selling all kinds of foreign currencies and digital currency, and with an experienced and experienced staff, it follows up your foreign exchange transactions at all hours of the day and night.

Our services include:

• Buying and selling all kinds of corporate, private and personal currency remittances

• Expert in trading common and encrypted currency

• Providing all kinds of foreign currency loans and international guarantees for natural and legal persons

• Commercial and successful investments in Malaysia, Thailand and Germany

• Analysis of the global financial market and a reliable roadmap for dear investors





برچسب: Seven Star exchange، exchange in Malaysia، exchange in Thailand، exchange in Germany،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۲:۵۷:۱۳ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Seven Star Immigration Institute

Seven Star Immigration Group is ready to provide services to our dear friends by using experts and the most experienced consultants. Using their experience, our experts suggest the best and most reliable ways to immigrate to our customers so that you can choose your country and immigration method correctly.

This company will be with you from the beginning to the end in obtaining study, work, tourist, investment, marriage, business, etc. visas and will also try to find an easy and low-غير مجاز مي باشدt way for Immigrate to your desired destination country.

Seven Star has an active representative in Malaysia, Thailand and Germany and is ready to provide 24-hour support to you, dear customers and applicants.

our services:

• Obtaining various work and study visas in Germany

• Obtaining an Avisbildung visa from Germany

• Free consultation and obtaining all kinds of study admissions and scholarships in Germany

• Permanent residence and obtaining citizenship in Germany

• Immigration through trade and investment and company registration in Malaysia

• Residence through employment or job offer in Thailand


برچسب: Seven Star Immigration Group، immigration to Germany، immigration to Thailand، immigration to Malaysia،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۱:۴۶:۰۵ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)

Export to Malaysia with Saba Expo

Do not miss the exceptional opportunity to enter global markets.

Saba Expo Company organizes a permanent exhibition for well-known Iranian manufacturers in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. You, dear ones, can offer your products at the best price in the Southeast Asian market directly and with your management in this permanent store.

Considering 6 thousand square meters of space for this exhibition, Saba company has reserved half of this area for booths, and you will benefit from many free services by participating in this exhibition.

Saba Expo services for you:

 Selling your products in Malaysia in person and offline

 Obtaining residence and work visa for representative and exhibitor

 Carrying out all your foreign exchange and exchange work for free

 Transportation of goods from Iran to Malaysia

 Free storage and accounting for exhibitors

 Free insurance services for your products and goods sent

 Doing marketing in Malaysia and Southeast Asia for free

 Free product management and sales panel on sabaexpo.com

 Maintaining the security of the booth and maintaining the products

Contact our experienced experts for more information.


Become global with us



برچسب: The permanent exhibition، exhibition in Malaysia، sales of products، export to Malaysia، shopping center in Malaysia،
ادامه مطلب
امتیاز دهید:
رتبه از پنج: 0

+ نوشته شده: ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ساعت: ۰۱:۴۴:۲۶ توسط:مريم نيري موضوع: نظرات (0)